Thursday, February 14, 2013

Connecting Through Communication to Create

      This blog was required and inspired by a college course, a MOOc, Mass Online Open Course. This particular MOOc concentrates on Creative Multicultural communication. the participants in the course are encouraged to start blogs. Participants seeking credit are required to create blogs. Being required to write for me, is a good thing because I'm a writer.  I  love to write, I also like to find lots of other things to do instead of writing. That's probably why it's been a few weeks between posts.

      The thing that I've noticed lately with writing and blogs is that it keeps a continuous dialogue going. Now that dialogue can only keep going if you have an audience of readers. So that means the blogger has to decide how much marketing we want to do with this new communication tool.

    Connectivism and communication in the digital age.  Blogging is another way for communicators to tell stories.

       Usually when I'm storytelling I'm talking on a stage, or make-shift stage in a school classroom. Many times I'm on an actual stage in the school auditorium. Today a school's auditorium may also double as a gym and a cafeteria, creating a new title: "Cafetorium" "Mutli-purpose room", "Gymteria" anyway, I think I'm stretching it a bit but you get the picture.

       I also like using poetry for storytelling. Often the poems are written in a narrative form and I allow myself to use the voices of characters I've met around my world but the complete purpose is to connect with my audience. On a stage the audience is alive and present. In this blog my audience comes on goes reading and logging in at their leisure and on their on time as opposed to mine. That's nice.  Like an archive of thoughts, stories, and ideas that I want to share.

       Next week I start a new residency with teens at risk of educational failure. I know that sounds weird but that's the most recent title for youth who are doing poorly in school and socially. I've been told that the kids I'm visiting want to write a play and act in it. Through connecting, communicating, we will create something original that they will be proud of. At least that's the plan. Wish me luck, and check in during the coming weeks to read and see, I'll post some photos, what kind of progress we are making.

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